What We Do Best


we are good at what we do

Farmers and Home Growers Alike, We’ve Got You Covered

Whether you are interested in planting elderberry to sustain your family farm, already have a commercial plot of elderberry and need destemming equipment, or even just looking for a way to incorporate natural medicine into your home garden. We are your trusted source for all things American Elderberry (Sambucus Canadensis).

We also offer quality American grown elderberry supplements to retail stores through our Elder Farms brand.  https://elderfarms.com

Rooted Plants/Cuttings

Curated Varieties of American Elderberry Cuttings and Rooted Plants are available for retail and wholesale.

Elderberry Destemming Equipment

Our proprietary mechanized elderberry destemmer greatly saves time and money and produces a ready-to-sell elderberry commodity. This machine drastically decreases the time to prep the berries to wash and be packaged. Lead time, from order placed, is a minimum of 8 weeks.  Cost is $7,000.00

Elderberry Wellness Supplements

Top-quality, hand-crafted American Elderberry Supplements available for wholesale and retail customers. Please contact our team at Elder Farms for a wholesale application or to purchase our farm products directly.

Custom Elderberry Planting

If you’ve got land but no equipment, we offer a custom installation service that will take your area from prepped land to an expertly established elderberry orchard ready for you to nurture.  You can contact us to schedule a farm evaluation, and let us help you with finding resources to make that goal happen.

we have no limits

Products & Services We Offer

Cuttings ( these are starts that can be propagated.  Limited season on these sales)

We offer cuttings in bulk or small bundles December 1 – April 1.

We have 4 inch potted plants in stock year round in our Certified Organic Nursery.

Custom Planting Options​

We offer custom planting to farmers within a 250 mile radius.  This is a tiered pricing that will include variables of
distance, acreage, and field conditions.  This pricing includes;  soil sampling,  field prep,  mulch, and custom planting.  Contact us directly for more information.  We will do Custom installs for a minimum of 2 acres.

Field Consultation and Prepping

We offer field consultation for farmers interested in becoming growers. We evaluate the landscape and provide guidance on soil samples. We discuss permaculture ideas and help plan a biodiverse area for elderberries to thrive along with the soil. We give guidance on creating a positive environmental impact. This service is provided with custom planting packages, Consultation without custom planting or ordering bedding plants/cuttings will be at a fee.

Field Planning

We offer consultations on making decisions on where to put an elderberry crop on your property for the best yield.  We take into account, soil, drainage, and the natural terrain of the landscape.   Field planning is included with custom packages. Consultation without custom planting or ordering plants/cuttings will be at a fee.

Contact us today for more information on becoming an elderberry producer. Elderberry is a crop that can sustain your family and farm.

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. This is a basic principle in every case and cause for success. Contact us today for a free consultation. 

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